5th August 2011 Illegal Immigration is NOT good for anyone: Businesses Beware: say 4A Law’s Immigration Lawyers!! If you are employing illegal immigrants or are working at a
Good Immigration not Mass Immigration Says PM David Cameron
The British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that he wants Good Immigration not Mass Immigration to the UK. 4A Law respose is that immigration is helpful to the UK economy.
Immigration Advisory Service in Administration
It is with a degree of sadness that 4A Law Specialist Immigration Business and Property lawyers bring to the world the news that the Immigration Advisory Service known as ‘IAS’
UK Wants to Increase Migration – Calling Investors and Entrepreneurs
Business and Tourist UK Visas Increase Business and Tourist UK visas are predicted to rise as the UK officially opens its borders to investors and entrepreneurs from overseas for
Good News or Bad news: For current international students and international student immigration to the UK
4A Law’s Specialist Immigration Lawyers are pleased to announce that no doubt after much deliberation, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) has produced a document, which the UKBA suggest, is intended
Ignore UK Private Immigration or Corporate Immigration laws at your peril: At home or at work.
4A Law Specialist Immigration Lawyers strongly advise that anyone ingnoring UK Private Immigration or Business / Coporate Immigration laws does so at their peril, be they at home or at work.
Unnecessary Immigration Appeals to End
UKBA (United kingdom Border Agency) has announced that unnecessary immigration appeals are due to end for the points based system as of the 23rd May 2011. This rules change emphasises