UK Visa Appeals: All You Need to Win UK Visa Appeals

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UK Visa Appeals: All You Need to Win UK Visa Appeals

Not every British law firm can advise on UK Visa Appeals. Most people agree that a UK visa refusal can have a big impact on their lives. It can be a massive challenge to workout whether or not to appeal without proper immigration advice. That is why 4A LAW UK immigration lawyers can help you overcome that challenge. Our lawyers give the best immigration legal advice on UK visa appeals. 

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UK Visa Appeals: Immigration & Tribunal Fees on  Refusals

Our lawyers will  help you decide what to do when considering an appeal. The advice you are given will include how to appeal. Often though, legal fees can be expensive. That is why it is important to get the right advice the first time. If you choose 4A LAW you will benefit from over 13 years of experience in winning appeals. Our clients feel that 4A LAW provide excellent value for money. To lodge an appeal with the Tribunal there are fees are payable to the Tribunal Service.

The Tribunal Service fee is payable if the appeal is only on paper or at an oral hearing. This is a change as of December 2011. Details of the fees can be found at UK Immigration and Appeals Tribunal fees guidance.

Don’t worry if you cannot decide between an oral hearing at a tribunal or a paper appeal. Our lawyers know that it is important for you to get the right legal advice. That is why 4A LAW will help you decide how to appeal a UK visa refusal. Particularly because there are almost always advantages and disadvantages to each option.

UK Visa Appeals: Increase Your Chances of Winning

Why not increase your chances of winning a visa appeal and contact 4A LAW? Don’t take a chance and gamble. Take the steps that you need to take so that you are sure that you have done all you can to ensure a successful outcome.


Where are UK Visa Appeals heard?

UK Visa Refusal appeals are heard in a number of hearing centres throughout the United Kingdom. The tribunals are known as the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).  The tribunals are independent from the government. In addition to UK visa appeals they are responsible for dealing with asylum, European and nationality. The decisions appealed are made by the:

  • Secretary of State for the Home Department (in the United Kingdom) ;
  • Entry Clearance Officer (outside of the UK);
  • Immigration Officers (at ports of entry in the UK).

The main types of UK visa appeal cases against decisions are:

  • Appeal against a refusal of a United Kingdom entry visa to a migrant, or
  • An immigration appeal against a refusal to allow an immigrant permission to remain;
  • Appeal against decisions to deport someone in the UK;
  • Appeals on Asylum and Human Rights Refusals; or
  • Appeals against the denial of nationality.

Sine the year 2000 4A LAW immigration lawyers continue successfully represent migrants and their families at court and win cases on appeals.  If you would like more information contact 4A LAW or email for personalised legal advice.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]As a unique and innovative leading law firm 4A LAW provide fixed fee advice on the 4A’s of law: Advice, Applications, Advocacy and Appeals. Contact 4A LAW or Email 4A LAW for personalised legal advice.[/author_info] [/author]

There are 4 comments
  1. Darlingtons

    We don’t do immigration ourselves but are we correct in thinking that the rules on highly qualified immigrants have been tightened up this year ?

    • Thank you for your comment. In fact the position is quite the contrary. Have a look at our post on

      The UK is open for business.

  2. John

    My point of view this is entirely right. When I read this article I got useful information about visa refusals and immigration. I think immigration is necessary for registration. And my point of views all constitution of law prefer immigration based primarily. I am impressed with your writing skills.

    • Hi John,
      Thank you for your comment. The difficulty I have found is that people will ask friends and family what they did to obtain a visa, but will disregard getting proper legal advice. In fact I bet many people even in the UK do not know that it is in fact a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to give UK immigration law advice when not qualified to do so! I can understand why too becasue immigration affects the very lives of people as oppose to just business and so in the interests of protecting people it is rightly so, isn’t it?

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