The Seasonal Worker Visa

UK Visas and Immigration - Brighton
Read Time 2:22 Minutes

Under the Tier 5 category, UK employers can sponsor people to come to the UK to work as Seasonal Workers. 

The Seasonal Worker Visa

Seasonal Workers are from the horticulture industry.  Businesses can employ workers to help up to 6 months.  This would be paid employment for a maximum of 6 months at relevant times. 

EU nationals can also apply under this Scheme from the 1 January 2020 or technically from 11pm on the 31 December 2020.  The Seasonal worker Visa is open to all EU nationals and non-EU Nationals.

For Employers they will require a license before they are able to employ workers.  Once they have a license then depending on the season, they may start to employ workers.  Remember we are talking about the Horticulture industry so employment will depend on when there is a need rather than anytime of the year.

What is the Horticulture Industry – What type of Work?

By the Horticulture – what does this mean?  Commonly known as fruit picking but broader.

Edible horticulture sector means those growing:

  • protected vegetables – those grown in glasshouse systems
    • field vegetables – those grown outdoors, including vegetables, herbs, leafy salads and potatoes
    • soft fruit – those grown outdoors or under cover (for example, in glasshouses or a polytunnel), such as strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, blueberries and all ribes and rubus species
    • top fruit (orchard fruit) – trees that bear fruit, such as apples, plums, cherries, and apricots
    • vine and bines – both twining or climbing flexible stems of certain plants – for example, hops is a bine, and grapes is a vine
    • mushrooms – typically covers Agaricus bisporus species but can also include more exotic species; typically grown indoors


One of the main requirements is that you are allocated a CAS number.  This is provided by your Employer and you need this before you can apply for your Seasonal worker Visa.

If you are employed as a Seasonal Worker with a visa for this purpose is that it is only for a maximum of 6 months.  Now the 6 months is in any 12-month period. 

Your employer will need to keep records and monitor your employment with them, just like the Tier 2 system. 

As always there are financial requirements that must be met so that you are able to maintain and support yourself whilst in the UK.

Other Requirements

You will not be permitted to bring your family members as dependents under this Seasonal Worker Visa.

You can only apply for the Seasonal Worker Visa from abroad and not within the UK. 

This Seasonal worker Visa mainly attracts the younger generation who would like to come to the UK  and experience life and do some work whilst they are here.  However as long as you are 18 years old and can work there is no age restriction so if you fancy sometime in the UK and meet new people, this could be for you. Hopefully it will be sunny but no guarantees. 

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