New Immigration Rules 2020

UK Visas and Immigration
Read Time 4 Minutes, 20 Seconds

During our lockdown time with Covid 19, the home Office have been busy amending the Rules!

New Immigration Rules were announced on the 14 May 2020 which are due to take effect on the 4 June 2020. It is surprising that during these times, when many are worried and stressed with renewing their visas or applying for a visa or whether they are able to financial manage and meet financial requirements, the Home Office have decided to amend the Rules.

These current Immigration Rule changes take effect from the 4 June 2020, when many will still be isolating or have prepared a visa waiting for the Home office to open unaware that the Immigration rules that have been changed may affect them.

Some of the changes are due to take effect from the 24 August 2020. These Immigration Rules are mainly affecting EU nationals and their family members. Appendix EU which sets out the Rules and Requirements for EU nationals continues to be confusing.

The Immigration Rules that will take effect from the 4 June 2020 are for businesses, sole representatives, which has recently had an increase due to the difficulties in applying for other visas. Again, this has been tightened up to include ‘genuineness’ test and majority owners are likely to be rejected. The other visa category affected is the Appendix W which deals with workers. This would be the Innovator and the Start Up visa, which requires an endorsing body. Here the Home office may require more evidence during the decision-making process.

Other Immigration Rules changes are those for the Partner category. These relate to documentation that is required in meeting the financial requirements. Especially for those who are self-employed or directors of companies and require the use of an accountant. Also, a change in the suitability requirements for those with a prison sentence between 12 months and 4 years.

Currently the Home Office is still closed, and appointments cannot be made. Though online applications can still be completed and submitted.

It had been stated that the Immigration Rules would be re- written to provide clarity and simplification of what is currently a confusing mess. It remains to be seen whether this will still be done by January 2021.

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