Making a Complaint about the Home Office

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If you have found yourself in a situation with the Home Office, where no one is listening to you or even understanding your situation then you can make a complaint to the Home Office.

Be warned you may not receive a response straight away and your frustrations and stress levels may even increase.

The best approach is to make a complaint online as correspondence is just not getting through.  Often situations occur that you have no control over, or aspects of your applications have not been concerned and there is no one to right the wrong.

I have had several situations; constant letters are not acknowledged or even a response received.

If you are asking for an update, remember you are charged per email and call made and this may not be a satisfactory result.

To complain about their service, you can complete the online complaints form or email

The Home Office ask that you provide the following details.

  • your contact details – it is important you include your address and phone number as we may contact you to resolve your complaint by phone or to request further information
  • the names of the applicant/original complainant if you’re completing this on behalf of someone else – we must have written authority to disclose information about another person’s case
  • full details of the matter you’re complaining about, including times, dates, and locations
  • the names or identifying numbers of any staff you’ve dealt with
  • details of any witnesses to the incident, if appropriate
  • copies of the relevant letters or papers
  • details of any reimbursement issues including papers and receipts to support your claim
  • your Home Office reference details, and any other references that will help us to investigate your complaint, for example refund reference, appeal reference or UAN (unique application number)
  • if your complaint is in relation to our contact centre, we will need to know the date you called, the number you dialled and the number you called us from

The Home Office state that it could take 20 working days to reply to your complaint, but this may be optimistic.  At times interventions from your local MP’s may help.

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