Advice for Employers on Business Immigration Rules

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Advice for Employers on Business Immigration Rules

The 4A LAW immigration team in London Gatwick and Manchester provides advice for employers on Business Immigration Rules of all shapes and sizes. This service is specifically designed to help employers to comply with their responsibilities and requirements under the UK immigration. October 2013 has seen further changes to UK business immigration. The aims of which are to prevent illegal working.

Advice – Compliance with Business Immigration Rules

Compliance with UK Business Immigration Rules has become increasingly complex. 4A LAW immigration lawyers work with clients in all UK immigration matters concerning relocations of employees, including re-organisations and intra-company transfers.

Advice for Employers - Business Immigration Rules - Private Employers Have Added 1.5 Million Jobs In 1…
Advice for Employers – Business Immigration Rules

This can also include working in correlation with colleagues in other jurisdictions including Canada and other business areas to ensure that clients receive the best quality UK immigration advisory service.

Business Immigration Rules – Advice for Employers – Main Areas

  • Advice for employers on how to register as licensed sponsors;
  • How to maintain A-rated status and an excellent business immigration record;
  • Advice for employers on strategic and transitional arrangements including advice on for employers with employees on the previous work permit based system to the new points based system;
  • This includes advice on all aspects of the points based system and advice on visas for highly skilled migrants.

Business Immigration Advice for Employers and Investors

This includes advice under:

  • Tier 1,
  • Visas for skilled workers under Tier 2,
  • Visas for students under Tier 4; and
  • Visas for temporary workers under Tier 5;
  • Applications for visa entry clearance and further leave to remain;
  • Naturalisation applications for British Citizenship;
  • Applications for EEA family members;
  • Advice for employers on how to prevent illegal working in the UK.

If you would like advice for an employer for Business Immigration Rules and compliance contact 4A LAW.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]As a unique and innovative leading law firm 4A LAW provide fixed fee advice on the 4A’s of law: Advice, Applications, Advocacy and Appeals. Contact 4A LAW or Email 4A LAW for personalised legal advice.[/author_info] [/author]

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