UK Visit Visas

UK Visas and Immigration
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UK Visit Visas

At 4A Law, we receive enquiries about the Refusal of UK Visit Visas.

Many people come to visit the UK, whether that is to go sightseeing or to visit family and friends. Others may come and visit the UK for a short time for private medical treatment or for business purposes.

There is a high refusal rate for the UK Visit Visas.  Over the years, previously visit visas could be appealed. However, appeal rights have been removed and the only grounds of appeal now is under human rights.

What are the requirements for a standard UK Visit Visa?

The main requirements for UK Visit Visas are your reasons and purpose for your visit to the UK. Whether you have sufficient funds for your UK Visit? Whether or not you have suitable accommodation during your stay in the UK? Now these seem to be quite simple requirements to satisfy. However, the requirements require details and evidence to support what is in your application. It is always best to assume that the person who is assessing your application knows, nothing about you or your reason to visit the UK. If that is the starting point, then you want to put as much evidence before the Home Office caseworker in your UK Visit Visa application and have that evidenced with documents to support your UK Visit Visa.


The Accommodation Requirement

For this requirement to be satisfied, you need to show that you have adequate accommodation to stay in the UK. This can either be with your family and friends or in various hotels. If you are sightseeing, you will need to show that either you, yourself have money to pay for the accommodation or that your loved ones have the funds and the means to have you accommodated with them. This will depend on what you wish to do in the UK and how long you are going to be staying in the UK.  If you are coming for sightseeing, then you need to show your bank statements to prove that you can pay for hotel costs or other alternative accommodation costs. If you are staying with loved ones, family or friends, then it is for your family and friends to provide evidence of their accommodation to ensure that it is suitable for everyone for those who are already living in the accommodation, and those who will be joining them. Such evidence could be tenancy agreements or title deeds, or even a letter from the estate agent showing the size of your property, and who lives there.

The Financial Requirements

Under this requirement you need to show that you have sufficient funds for your holiday here in the UK. This will require your bank statements possibly for the past six months to show continuous income being received or a savings account. However, looking behind this requirement it is also useful to show how you have earned that money.  How has that money come to be in your account? Are you employed? Are you self-employed? Do you receive a pension? It is useful to provide this evidence to support the funds you have in your Account. Remember you will need funds for your tickets as well as your day-to-day food costs and other spending costs.  All being well hopefully, this will then satisfy the caseworker along with the details within your UK Visit Visa Application Form.

The Genuine Visitor Requirement

This is one of the ones that seems to catch applicants applying for the UK Visit Visa out.  Many refusals are based upon this requirement. It is under this requirement that your reason and purpose for your visit must be stated and proved. For example, if you are visiting family members in the UK, explain your circumstances and situation.  Whether this is on the application form or in a separate letter; who the family members are what they mean to you and what is their relationship to you, how often do you see them and speak to them and why do you need to come and visit them here in the UK.  Could they not visit you in your own home country? Evidence to support this would be birth certificates to prove the relationship and other evidence of your particular situation.

The Intention to Leave Requirements

This is the other big requirement that most UK Visit Visa applications are refused, under the intention to leave the UK. You must intend to leave the UK after your visit. The UK Home Office caseworker seem to believe that everyone wishes to stay in the UK after their visit in the UK. It is for you to show that you will leave the UK after your visit. Not by saying ‘yes’ you will leave but by proving it with documentation to show that you will leave.

How can you prove that you will leave?

Well, you need to show what you have back home to return to. Do you have parents to return to? Do you have children? Or a partner to return to? Do you have employment?  Or a business to go back to?  Whatever ties with family, friends, or commitments in your home country you should provide documentation to evidence this to prove that your visit in the UK is only for the reason and purpose you have stated.

If you have received a UK Visit Visa refusal and want advice and to discuss your particular case or what options are available to you then please email 4A LAW at

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