Covid 19 (Coronavirus) and Immigration

UK Visas and Immigration
Read Time 4 Minutes, 20 Seconds

As the UK and the world face challenging months with Covid 19, the Home Office / UKVI has set up a Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT) and released the following guidance. If you are in the UK as a visitor or on a visa and your visa has expired or will expire shortly, the Home Office / UKVI has released the following guidance.  New Guidance are being released each week as the situation changes.

Expired Visas

If you are in the UK and your visa has expired since 24 January 2020 and is due to expire then you can have it extended until 31 May 2020.  The Home Office / UKVI have stated that you will not become an overstayer or suffer any detriment in the future because of Covid-19.

The requirements are:

  1. You are in the UK and
  2. You cannot travel due to travel restrictions or
  3. You are self-isolating because of Covid-19 and
  4. Your visa will expire before 31 May 2020

What you need to do is click on the link below and complete the form as to your details and submit the online form.  The form requires the following details:

  1. Your details; name, nationality and date of birth
  2. Your visa details; type of visa and place it was issued and when it expires
  3. Your arrival details, when did you arrive in the UK
  4. Reference numbers of your visa or application made
  5. Your passport details
  6. Your contact details
  7. Your reason for staying in the UK so this will be travel restrictions or self-isolating

Below is the link to the Home Office / UKVI form to complete and submit the form to the Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT).



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