Coming to the UK as a Healthcare Visitor

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If you require medical treatment in the UK and this has been arranged, then you can enter the UK as a Healthcare Visitor.

A medical Visitor has always been in the Immigration Rules, for those who choose to have medical treatment in the UK.  This Healthcare Visitor category has been created for people living in the EEA and. Switzerland.  The main difference here between the Visit visa medical Treatment visa and the Healthcare Visitor is that the treatment received by the EEA national can be paid by their own country of nationality.  For example:  a Spanish national, living in Spain can come to the UK for medical treatment and this would be paid by the Spanish authorities to the UK Authorities.  On the other hand, a Nigerian national living in Nigeria wanted to come to the UK for medical treatment then they would need to show evidence that they have the ability to pay for their treatment or that payments and arrangements have already been made for their treatment.   Again, detailed evidence and an explanation should be provided as to the treatment and why it has exceeded the timeframe.

Restrictions on the Healthcare Visitor

  • Work in the UK is not permitted
  • It is only pre-arranged NHS treatment that is approved or emergency medical treatment on the NHS
  • You cannot study in the UK
  • You cannot claim any benefits

How Long can you stay?

Like with the visit visa this is only for 6 months, EEA nationals will not need to apply for a visa before entering the UK but can explain their circumstances and reasons at the airport on arrival with any evidence they have.  All other nationalities will need to apply for the visa before they travel if they are from a Visa – National country. Once you are here in the UK and your treatment has not been completed you can apply for an extension to remain in the UK longer to complete the healthcare treatment.

What are the other Requirements?

The pre-arranged medical treatment should have been authorised before the UK Brexited the UK; this is the 31 December 2020.  You will need to have evidence of the pre-arrangement between the UK and your home country and the date when it was arranged and dates for the planned treatment.

How much does it cost?

This application does not a fee, so it is free.

Family members of someone needing medical treatment in the UK

You can also apply to join someone who has planned medical treatment in the UK.  A close family member or a friend can apply for a visa to come to the UK to care and support the person undergoing planned healthcare treatment.  You must also reside in the EEA or Switzerland. Children under 18 years NOT 21 years can come to the UK as well but suitable arrangements for their care and funds must be available for their stay too.

Need UK Immigration Advice? 

Email on for help from Jes for your personal situation. Follow 4A Law for more advice on UK visas and immigration.

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